Gran Fiesta Salsera 2012

Last May the newest and most popular salsa academy of Medellin, Colombia, Academia Baila Latino, celebrated their 1 Year Anniversary with a huge event located on the top floor of the Dann Carlton Hotel which is considered the best hotel in the city. With a view of city and the energy of dancing all around there was fun to be had. Here is a look at some of the photos we captured throughout the night including the surprise engagement at the end of the night!

I must give a great deal of the photo credit to my friend and photographer Joseph Le. He was kind enough to help me out with the photos so that I could dance a bit as well! Special thanks to Joel Duncan Photography as well for capturing some great photos of the night which can be found here. If you love travel and photography make sure to follow his blog AdventureJo as well!

Byrne – Etcheverry Wedding!

About two years ago I took photos of a wedding for a family friend. I was just there for the celebration but took advantage of the moment and snuck in some photos of my own. The couple’s two year anniversary is coming up so I thought it was about time to share their photos with them. What do you think?? Perhaps it is a little delayed but as they say, “Better late than never”!

New Business Name: Shaun Patrick Fotos!

Well hello everyone! I know I have taken a half year hiatus from my blog but I am back in full force!

I have spent the last 6 months creating a new photography company in Colombia, South America. It is almost up and ready to go but you will have to wait for another post to hear all about it. For now I want to tell everyone about my new business name. I have decided that “SPStakem Photography” has been a bit confusing for people to understand and it has been even more challenging in Spanish. With that, I introduce my new name: Shaun Patrick Fotos.

I came up with my new name in the middle of the night at about 3am. I was trying to search for a new name forever and then bam! it hit me one night. I woke up, headed to the computer, starting playing around on Photoshop, and then voilĂ ! I had it!

The new design is simple. I have always liked to represent myself with elegant designs. For me, elegance = simplicity. With that, I designed something simple but with a touch of one color and made the “A” without the crossbar in order to get a touch of something a bit more artistic into my design.

Here is the logo:

Shaun Patrick Fotos  Logo

Shaun Patrick Fotos Logo

New posts will be coming more often! (I promise Oscar!) These past few months have been packed with new photo events from fashion to apartments to traveling and beyond. Thanks for keeping up with me!